The Southern Gospel Music Forum

Official Website For The "Southern Gospel Music Forum" Discussion Lists!

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Fan Pages!

Would you like to submit a question to be asked of the list members?  If so just email the question to us and who knows, it might just be next months new question!

To email possible questions to us just CLICK HERE

Welcome to the all new fan pages on the Southern Gospel Music Forum.  Fans are a very important part of Southern Gospel Music and we want to be sure that we here your thoughts.  We have three separate pages from this page.  Each one of these pages deals with a different question.  We invite you to take a look at the questions and then email your response so that we can post your view right here on this website!  To view the questions and the responses so far, click on the links to the left!

There are two requirements for submitting an answer to one of our questions!  First, you must be a Southern Gospel Music Fan.  Second, you must be a member of at least one of our eleven email discussion lists!  If you meet both of these criteria's than we invite you to give us your opinion!  There are no right or wrong answers to these questions.  We just want to know what you think.

Do you have a question for our list?  Submit the question to us and we might just use that question next month.  We will have one new question each month!

Thank you to each of you that takes part in this new and exciting area of the website that is dedicated just to the FANS of Southern Gospel Music!