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September 9, 2000

About a month ago, I requested that you pray for my mother as she was being put in a nursing home because the family was no longer able to take care of her deteriorating condition due to Alzheimer's disease. We were very worried that she would either be angry or depressed with the situation. People who do not know her well are astonished that this quiet, kind woman is one of the most determined (shall I say stubborn) women they have ever met. For example, in my lifetime, I had never seen her change her mind on any topic, regardless of how insignificant. When faced with this problem, I felt the needs were almost insurmountable, except with God's help.

When my sister went to visit her in the hospital the evening before she was to be transferred to the Alzheimer's unit in the nursing home, she found her on the bed weeping. When asked why she was upset, she replied that they were going to put her in the "rest" home tomorrow. Only a few days before my mother was to go into the nursing home, a former pastors wife was also placed in the same nursing home. She and my mother were good friends 
because both their husbands had been the former pastor at the Church they attend. My sister told my mother that she would be put in the same room as 
her friend. My mother IMMEDIATELY perked up and said "you know that is just like God to work things out like this." That is an incredible turnaround in her attitude. Mom has now been in the nursing home for a month and has been in excellent spirits almost every day. This is truly a miracle for my mother to change her mind about being happy in an environment that she had always been adamantly opposed. I appreciate your continued prayers, but I give God the glory for what he has done.

Steve La Fever 

September 4, 2000

I have been seeing God do amazing things in my life the last couple of months and I wanted to share it with y'all. I have to tell you I am totally amazed. And I am giving all the Praise and Glory to our Lord. I have never doubted that God would provide. But it is the WAYS he is providing that is amazing me.

Due to huge doctor and hospital bills, my husband and I have been going through a financial crises lately. There were times that I didn't know what else to do, but when I was at my lowest point emotionally God sent his angels that very day to lift me up and set me back on my feet again and He met my immediate needs. Suddenly I had groceries in my kitchen and some cash in my hand to get us by. You have to realize that I am not one to tell my friends and family about my financial problems. I had told NO ONE, my husband had told NO ONE what was going on. But our friends just thought we could use a little help. 
In the next few days I received several checks in the mail from family that lives far away. There were notes attached saying "Here's a gift for you just because". One from a source that didn't surprise me at all, but one 
from a very un-expected source. A source that I would have never believed could be so kind. I think God's reason for that was to teach me something rather than to fill a need I had.

Just yesterday I received a letter from my former employer stating they owed me money. When I left their employ over 3 years ago I cashed out my pension plan because it was a small amount of money. The letter stated that they had calculated my benefits incorrectly and owed me an additional $600.00. Now what are the chances of that happening? Of course I haven't gotten that check yet but I am believing that I will.

Needs that I have are being met in amazing ways and it can be nothing else but the Grace of God.

Now God didn't provide enough money to pay off all of my debts, just enough to get me through the month. I still have a mountain of doctor and hospital bills to pay. But He has made life easier. And He has taken away the 
stress. Next month I'll go through the same thing all over again. Except this time I won't get so stressed out and depressed over it, because I know that God will provide.

Thanks for listening, I just had to share this.

In Christ,